
“Etton Field” is the best project on implementation of Big Data

2022-09-14 18:42
  1. Our project 'Etton Field' (in Russian known as AIS “Digital Field”) has become the winner of the contest “Best digital solutions for the oil and gas industry” in the nomination “Best project on Big Data technologies implementation in the oil and gas industry”.

The contest is held by the ComNews information group. The contest annually celebrates customers and performers of the most significant projects in the field of IT and industrial automation who bring innovations both in the work of individual companies in the industry and in the economy of the country as a whole.

"Etton Field” is intended for the oil and gas sector and subsoil user companies. The system allows for aggregating the data coming from different sources in one place, process them and integrally optimize the field development model in real-time mode. Functionality, speed, and stability of operation are provided by use of a new stack of technologies: BACK – PHP, FRONT – js, DBMS – PostgreSQL.

The system under development has a significant potential for scaling in the oil and gas industry due to availability of tools for increasing operational efficiency of data collection from the assets, primary processing for analysis, operational efficiency of technological modes optimization, and increasing the data reliability.

Uniqueness of the solution:

1) Use of intelligent assistant technology for the incoming data verification.

2) Integration with the simulation systems for the planned production updating.

3) Systems for economic evaluation of geological and technical activities.

4) Receiving data both from the user in the web interface and from the well sensors.

The project “Etton Field” is implemented using the grant means of the Russian Information Technology Development Fund (RFRIT), which is a part of the State Development Corporation Group VEB.RF. Financing is carried out within the Federal project “Digital Technologies” of the National programme “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”.

Press Service of Etton Group of Companies